Stripping EXIF metadata from photos

There is no shortage of privacy related issues on the Internet. One of them I decided to tackle today is EXIF metadata embedded to the photos I publish here. I do not publish photos too often currently, but occasionally I do. Before today, I did not strip any EXIF metadata and th…

Reverse proxy behind a reverse proxy

Learning things the hard way by getting my hands dirty is also the way I have learned about the concept of a reverse proxy behind another reverse proxy. The setup I had was a docker-compose file that configured multiple services including Nginx as a reverse proxy. Nothing special…

Done spell checking on my blog

I have put a considerable effort today to fix a lot of small errors on the blog that accumulated over time, either by the fact that the blog was converted from Sapper to Zola, which naturally processes some slight details of the Markdown differently or due to me mistyping some wo…

Add archive into Zola

When learning new things, it always go slowly at the beginning, speeding things up as the learning curve progresses. In the end, every other tool in the developer's toolset helps in the long run. Today I dug deeper into another template engine called Tera. Tera is a template engi…

OnlyOffice proved to be useful

Since I have set up OnlyOffice atop of NextCloud a few weeks ago, I have been testing it's features, functionality, stability and overall performance and today I can say I am pretty pleased with what I have found. The collaborative functions of spreadsheets works pretty well. It …

Folderize your post for SSG

Since I have converted my blog to Zola, I started using assets a little bit more in the posts. I am still not sure if it is the right thing, but for now it helps me convey information in addition to text. To embed a photo into the post, there are at least two main options availab…

ModbusRTU with autoflow on TouchBerry 10 pt.4

This post is a part of a series about the TouchBerry ModbusRTU autoflow issue and how have I resolved it. Other posts of the series can be found under the touchberry tag. Note that newer posts might contain more recent information. Throughout the series I have been investigating …