Since I have set up
OnlyOffice atop of NextCloud a few weeks ago,
I have been testing it's features, functionality, stability and overall
performance and today I can say I am pretty pleased with what I have found.
The collaborative functions of spreadsheets works pretty well. It …
Since I have converted my blog to Zola, I started using assets a little bit
more in the posts. I am still not sure if it is the right thing, but for
now it helps me convey information in addition to text.
To embed a photo into the post, there are at least two main options
This post is a part of a series about the TouchBerry ModbusRTU autoflow
issue and how have I resolved it. Other posts of the series can be found
under the touchberry tag. Note that newer posts might
contain more recent information.
Throughout the series I have been investigating …
By adopting zola as a go-to Static Site
Generator (SSG) tool I was
successfully able to leave the Sapper behind.
There was however quite a serious issue with the new blog setup that went
unnoticed for a few days.
Precisely, the problem was with the URL links. It is very
I've used to store screenshots from the RIGOL DS1054Z oscilloscope on the
USB, which I then took out of the scope and inserted (on the third attempt
obviously) into the laptop, then copied the screenshot PNG files from the
USB to the target location. But it can be done much faste…
This post marks a final piece in the
#100daystooffload challenge I have been
participating in for a past three and a half months. Let's check again what
the challenge guidelines are:
This needs to be done on a personal blog, not a corporate blog. If you
don’t have a personal blo…
Accidentally stumbled upon a hidden vim feature. The normal mode key
shortcuts responsible for increasing the number, Ctrl+a (increment) and
for decreasing the number following the cursor, Ctrl+x (decrement) do
something different during the interactive rebase editor. Watch for