Repeat find and till in vim

There are two very useful keys for navigation in vim: find and till. I am using both daily and these are one of the keys I have learned somewhere at the very beginning of my vim learning curve. To explain briefly, there is a group of a so called motion keys, performing a cursor m…

Feelings about the writing break

My pause from the daily writing for a week due to holiday led me to understand how the habit of doing something every day for almost three months rooted into my mind. I was rely reluctant to break my chain of writing and I was determined to do a #100daystooffload challenge in jus…

Holiday break for a week

I am going to a much deserved holiday break, so no posts for a week. I was considering taking my notebook with, but then I thought, I need to take a break from the work altogether, as I am not sure when will I be able to travel again. So instead of a weeks worth of half-baked pos…

Understanding pulse outputs of M-Duino 38AR+

When the need to drive a stepper motor arises, one can turn to the microcontroller. For the task, I am currently using M-Duino AR38+ and I have already written something about it a few days back, link here. Note that an Arduino based controller is suitable for the task because it…

First impressions: QElectroTech wiring diagrams

Facing against the task to document the wiring of the control cabinet I had to choose which software I would do it with. Naturally I have started to look for open source options first. Even though I have already achieved some level of proficiency in KiCAD, it is not very well sui…

Change NetworkManager connection priority

Dealing with the situation that some LAN network consisting of multiple connected devices without the access to the Internet needs some work, while simultaneously requiring access the Internet from my laptop over the wireless. The problem is that NetworkManager prioritizes wired …

M-Duino external voltage reference trap

When wiring the Arduino based Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) from Industrial Shields, I have become stuck for a little bit due to trouble understanding how to enable the outputs. Currently using their Ethernet range based on Arduino Mega 2560. Its internals seem to be quite …