Test the app with real data quickly

Hopefully I got back to writing again. I could not find time for anything else than the project I tried too hard to finish. This day hopefully marks the sweet little feeling described as project is finished that can be tasted for a brief while until engaged in the next project. T…

Testing svelte-dnd-action with Cypress

Using Drag & Drop is probably easier than ever due to virtually unlimited supply of new front-end libraries appearing every day. Making Drag & Drop for a sortable trello-like boards or for file uploads work in the browser is thus becoming a matter of importing a module an…

Test preserveScroll in InertiaJS with Cypress

A short snippet that makes it possible to test if preserveScroll feature is enabled in InertiaJS. Can be used as a part of Test-Driven Development process (TDD). The snippet can probably be adapted for other scroll related tests, but is especially geared towards the InertiaJS fea…

Test if a command was scheduled in Laravel 8

Testing if the command was actually scheduled might be a controversial question. Should we test if the scheduler is working and running tasks on time? Obviously no, it provided via framework and we can even see that the tests are present and integrate together. But there is a par…

Dispatching jobs via commands in Laravel 8

What I've found myself usually doing when working with Queues in Laravel is a need to run jobs manually. Especially the jobs that have no arguments, usually some maintenance tasks like pruning excess logs generating a suggestions for user. These kind of jobs are a great candidate…

Using keys with reduce in Laravel

There are some quite important functions that are being very commonly used to transform data, even across languages, that modern approaches to solving problems greatly prefer. Many things in theory could fit such definition, but right now I am talking about map, reduce or even fi…

A short summer writing pause

Past week I've had a few days that I focused solely on work and family and did not reserve any time for the blog. There were multiple reasons for this, but the main was that it is summer and there are almost no restrictions whatsoever. I did some camping by the lake I was driving…