Tag: 100daystooffload

Keep Git fork in sync

Steps below explain to keep the forked version up to date with the upstream branch of a forked repository. I know this was already documented many times, but I was struggling with it for some time, until I have found the workflow that suits me the best, so I documented it. Create…

Nginx on Arch using Ansible

Since Arch, Nginx and Ansible are already all pretty mature tools by themselves, I though that installing Nginx on Arch system using Ansible playbook would be a matter of seconds. But judging from an actual experience, it is a little bit harder. The official ansible nginx role do…

Automatically signed GitHub commits are puzzling

I wanted to finally start getting into signing my commits, mainly because among any other reasons, it increases the overall confidence in my work. With the GitHub's decision to display a yellow warning stating Unverified near the commit list, the trend towards signing will almost…

On warning fatigue or why not paying attention

Do you ever actually feel fatigue? How do you think about it? What is a fatigue? The definition that fits the term fatigue in the discussed context the most, found on lexico.com: A lessening in one's response to or enthusiasm for something, caused by overexposure. If I had to i…

Install F-Droid on Arch via Anbox

F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS applications for the Android platform. Apps I like: FairEmail as feature-packed email client Syncthing for file synchronization KeePassDX as a password manager GitNex as a Gitea client Tusky as Pleroma client Sometimes I like to docum…