Tag: acme

Cheatsheet: acme.sh DNS mode

Here's a compilation of useful commands that use a DNS-01 challenge to issue a certificate using acme.sh client. Issue a certificate using an automatic DNS API mode with GoDaddy: acme.sh --issue --dns gnd_gd --domain example.com Issue a wildcard certificate (denoted by an aste…

Wildcard certificate with acme.sh

This post is a sequel to my previous post. The post demonstrated how to setup HTTPS for Nginx by obtaining a certificate via 3rd party client called acme.sh. There is also some basic underlying theory about these terms. Consider reading it if feeling uncertain. Start by creating …

Nginx with acme.sh on Arch

Modern Internet is full of encryption. In many ways, using encryption is still optional, although non-encrypted communication of any form is getting rarer every day. There are factors that contribute to this trend. As a specific example, some top-level domains, like .app or .dev,…