Tag: arch

Arch news pacman hook tip

Part of the Arch Linux system maintenance is to actively read latest news. Mostly anyone who uses Arch has come across this piece of advice: read the news before updating! In other words, before running the dreaded sudo pacman -Syu command, one should be prepared to act upon any …

Things to do after installing ansible on Arch

After installing ansible package I start with listing all the available roles: ansible-galaxy list I am immediately greeted with two warnings: # /home/peterbabic/.ansible/roles [WARNING]: - the configured path /usr/share/ansible/roles does not exist. [WARNING]: - the configured …

Solutions to a buggy system package

There was bug in mutter, a default Gnome Shell compositor for Wayland. There was a bug fixed in v3.38.4 fixed via !1784 that made Gnome Shell crash certain click event (like every ~5 minutes of usage or so). When I have found out I cannot use my system like this anymore, I basica…

How to install Syncthing on Arch Linux ARM

Syncthing is a solution to share files across multiple devices, spanning most operating systems, including Linux, Windows, Mac and Android. It's open source and it is decentralized. It requires some set-up, however. I was reluctant at first, but it is one of the things that I did…