Tag: bash

Clever uses for git-filter-repo

There is a common saying around version control systems stating the following: Do not rewrite the history. And it is pretty solid saying to be fair, supported at many threads, for instance at FS#45425 or elsewhere. You simply have to assume that once you pushed something into t…

A dead-simple Laravel test watcher

I am spoiled by the many test watchers from the javascript world that do all the file change watching and polling on your behalf, to rerun the tests the moment you save a particular file. This feature usually comes out of the box, especially with the more complex tools like Jest …

Stripping EXIF metadata from photos

There is no shortage of privacy related issues on the Internet. One of them I decided to tackle today is EXIF metadata embedded to the photos I publish here. I do not publish photos too often currently, but occasionally I do. Before today, I did not strip any EXIF metadata and th…

Folderize your post for SSG

Since I have converted my blog to Zola, I started using assets a little bit more in the posts. I am still not sure if it is the right thing, but for now it helps me convey information in addition to text. To embed a photo into the post, there are at least two main options availab…

Markdown posts by word count in bash

I wanted to quickly overview the word count on my blog posts to roughly calculate the possible translation count and here's a one-liner I have come up with: find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.md" -exec printf "{} " \; -exec ~/.local/bin/mwc {} \; | awk '{…