Tag: bash

Folderize your post for SSG

Since I have converted my blog to Zola, I started using assets a little bit more in the posts. I am still not sure if it is the right thing, but for now it helps me convey information in addition to text. To embed a photo into the post, there are at least two main options availab…

Markdown posts by word count in bash

I wanted to quickly overview the word count on my blog posts to roughly calculate the possible translation count and here's a one-liner I have come up with: find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.md" -exec printf "{} " \; -exec ~/.local/bin/mwc {} \; | awk '{…

Don't use global npm config for dotfiles with nvm

It is possible to set the global npm config via the global switch # short version npm config set init-version "0.0.1" -g # long version npm config set init-version "0.0.1" --global The location of the global npm config in nvm is tied to node version, renderi…

Following file renames in gitlog

After my previous attempt to get published date and the edited date of the post that lives entirely in the git somehow reached the dead end because I could not reliably find out how to handle renames, I have finally found a working way. Start by preparing a file with a git histo…

Prevent push when skipping Cypress tests

There is a more updated method I use now descried in the part 2. Here's way I use to prevent pushing changes when some of the Cypress tests are being skipped Install required packages npm i -D cypress husky start-server-and-test Define your dev script in package.json if not d…