Tag: cli

List executable files with fzf

Sometimes I find myself in the need to take a look at the executable files available in the current project directory, choose a suitable one and run it, potentially specifying some parameters. Unfortunately, package managers did not agree on a path, where the executable files sho…

Another way to combine local repositories

A quick and dirty way I usually combine private repositories is to use the --rebase option for git pull. I have written about such option already in a post about keeping git fork in sync with the upstream. Here's how to do it: git remote add --fetch other ../other-repository git …

Folderize your post for SSG

Since I have converted my blog to Zola, I started using assets a little bit more in the posts. I am still not sure if it is the right thing, but for now it helps me convey information in addition to text. To embed a photo into the post, there are at least two main options availab…

Using mbpoll as a CLI for Modbus

I have discovered a nice CLI tool called mbpoll than can be used for fast Modbus wiring validation via CLI. It is very handy for anything that has an Ethernet port for the ModbusTCP, including devices like Raspberry Pi based controllers industrial controllers. Additionally, if an…

The fight of gitignores

Roaming around someone else's cloned repository with many different files and fiddling some lines here and there, it is worth using good tools to speed up the process. Since it is a repository, naturally for me the git is the go to tool for the version control. Finding files is e…