Tag: fzf

Fix color code data in fzf neovim

Some time ago I wrote how I had a a problem with color codes prepended into formatted files while using Neovim with Prettier. In the post I mentioned that I was able to solve the problem at hand. However, I had one other similar problem still present in my setup after migration f…

Excluding file name from vim fzf ripgrep

Many times, especially with customizable software stacks, there are aspects or features of the software that we wish they were done differently. Fortunately, when using open-source software, configuring said software to do our bidding could be within a few (hundred) keystrokes. T…

List executable files with fzf

Sometimes I find myself in the need to take a look at the executable files available in the current project directory, choose a suitable one and run it, potentially specifying some parameters. Unfortunately, package managers did not agree on a path, where the executable files sho…