Tag: git

Clever uses for git-filter-repo

There is a common saying around version control systems stating the following: Do not rewrite the history. And it is pretty solid saying to be fair, supported at many threads, for instance at FS#45425 or elsewhere. You simply have to assume that once you pushed something into t…

Finally understood git reset

Git is a rather beefy tool, boasting up to 150 subcommands, with the exact figure varying depending on the git version. Using the method from the thread on my machine: $ git help -a | grep "^ " | wc -l 144 The 144 subcommands currently, however skewed the above metric…

Another way to combine local repositories

A quick and dirty way I usually combine private repositories is to use the --rebase option for git pull. I have written about such option already in a post about keeping git fork in sync with the upstream. Here's how to do it: git remote add --fetch other ../other-repository git …

Vim increment in git rebase

Accidentally stumbled upon a hidden vim feature. The normal mode key shortcuts responsible for increasing the number, Ctrl+a (increment) and for decreasing the number following the cursor, Ctrl+x (decrement) do something different during the interactive rebase editor. Watch for y…

One disadvantage of git based blog

My statically generated blog (SSG) based on Sapper that is currently being phased out in favor of Svelte Kit that unfortunately takes too long to get into production phase is without any underlying database. This is nothing special and fairly common for other SSGs, as data are lo…