Tag: git

The fight of gitignores

Roaming around someone else's cloned repository with many different files and fiddling some lines here and there, it is worth using good tools to speed up the process. Since it is a repository, naturally for me the git is the go to tool for the version control. Finding files is e…

Using long commit message description

I have stumbled upon the short post that contained the following: ~200 lines of commit message for +5/-8 change @ #FreeBSD: https://freshbsd.org/freebsd/src/commit/9a2fac6ba65fbd14d37ccedbc2aec27a190128ea This obviously made me think. Is such a long description necessary? And i…

Keep Git fork in sync

Steps below explain to keep the forked version up to date with the upstream branch of a forked repository. I know this was already documented many times, but I was struggling with it for some time, until I have found the workflow that suits me the best, so I documented it. Create…

Automatically signed GitHub commits are puzzling

I wanted to finally start getting into signing my commits, mainly because among any other reasons, it increases the overall confidence in my work. With the GitHub's decision to display a yellow warning stating Unverified near the commit list, the trend towards signing will almost…

Following file renames in gitlog

After my previous attempt to get published date and the edited date of the post that lives entirely in the git somehow reached the dead end because I could not reliably find out how to handle renames, I have finally found a working way. Start by preparing a file with a git histo…