Tag: gnupg

High CPU usage with Yubikey and pcscid

There a is a issue I am having for quite a long time I hadn't been able to quickly solve, so I just sucked it up. The issue is, that if I plug off the Yubikey off the laptop's USB port, one CPU goes haywire 100% usage and some, but not all services or applications that require in…

GnuPG PIN cache, Smartcards, YubiKeys and notifications

I am still obsessed with the OpenPGP smartcard. I know, it is definitely far inferior to YubiKey. It has far, far less features and it's GnuPG implementation is even riddled with serious bugs that can take days to work around. It definitely has it's peak years behind. But no matt…

OpenPGP Smartcard KDF issue: Bad PIN

Both YubiKey and GnuPG are able to do many things. The difference one might point out is, that GnuPG probably does neither of them particularly well, resembling a Swiss army knife. No matter how well either of the tools handles tasks it is able to perform, both tools had became a…

Git sign previous commits keeping dates

Sometimes you might need to re-sign your previous commits using GnuPG. This process rewrites the git history in a sense of changing commit hashes. What is more, it also changes the date when commit was made. If not done properly, the repository looks like if there was no history …

A story about NFC on my ThinkPad T470

A day before I have been experimenting with the GnuPG keycard and found out it is working well with the smart card reader on my trusty T470. The card I have ordered comes with the Mifare DESFire EV1 compatible RFID/NFC chip inside. Very plainly, NFC is the RFID with encrypted com…