Tag: javascript

Using CSS selectors on Markdown in JS

It is possible target specific elements in a DOM via CSS using selectors h2 { /* property: value; */ } It is also possible to use CSS selector in JS DOM const elements = document.querySelector("h2") With the advent of a JAMstack it is also possible to target Markd…

How to assert sorted dates in Cypress

Here's how I use Cypress to assert that the user interface I am building displays datetime information sorted chronologically. Consider the list of dates served at the port 3000 that looks like this: <ul id="sorted"> <li>14.12.1999</li> <li>1…

How your commit history tells you when your post was published

Have you ever wondered about the sheer amount of problems you encounter daily? Some of them disappear over time. Some of them may be ignored. Some of them might be delegated to someone else, if you can afford it. If none of these options are available, your time and your attentio…