Tag: journal

I finished the 100daystooffload challenge!

This post marks a final piece in the #100daystooffload challenge I have been participating in for a past three and a half months. Let's check again what the challenge guidelines are: This needs to be done on a personal blog, not a corporate blog. If you don’t have a personal blo…

A cheap 40-pin flat cable fail

I have bought a handful of 40 pin IDC connectors for a flat cable. I wanted to use them on the cheap, colorful, no-datasheet 40-pin flat cable bought a long ago from Ebay that I had lying around. The idea was to use it to extend the Raspberry 40-pin header with a cable to tinker …

I converted my blog to zola!

Today, precisely one year ago, was the day was I last time in my previous job. For this anniversary I managed to convert my blog entirely from the Sapper based on Svelte to zola. I have written about zola a little bit in this post. Everything I touch on zola surprises me in a pos…

Giving up hope on svelte-kit

Casually checking on status of svelte-kit after a few weeks of not doing so when I returned from the holiday. The result was not good. The open issues for the 1.0 milestone just pile up. It feels like it will never be released. I have got involved in the #733 due to traling slash…

Feelings about the writing break

My pause from the daily writing for a week due to holiday led me to understand how the habit of doing something every day for almost three months rooted into my mind. I was rely reluctant to break my chain of writing and I was determined to do a #100daystooffload challenge in jus…

Holiday break for a week

I am going to a much deserved holiday break, so no posts for a week. I was considering taking my notebook with, but then I thought, I need to take a break from the work altogether, as I am not sure when will I be able to travel again. So instead of a weeks worth of half-baked pos…

One disadvantage of git based blog

My statically generated blog (SSG) based on Sapper that is currently being phased out in favor of Svelte Kit that unfortunately takes too long to get into production phase is without any underlying database. This is nothing special and fairly common for other SSGs, as data are lo…