Tag: journal

First real data from the bee weighter project

I've got hold to some real data from the bee-weighter project. The transformed data can be seen in the following table: date timekg 17.5.21 01:4639,82 17.5.21 07:4641,00 17.5.21 13:4639,97 17.5.21 19:4639,44 18.5.21 01:4639,43 18.5.21 07:4639,67 18.5.21 13:4637,03 This is all I …

Wiring is an art too

I've spent last two days wiring a machine, so no programming post today. I do not do this work too often, but when I do, it is a relief. It is a form of art. It is not the same kind of art as programming is, though. With the wiring, the results are far more palpable and far less …

Thoughts on the bee weighter project

I was able to put the bee weighter project to some tests. Some thoughts and insights from the process. Three rechargeable AA batteries gave out 4V under the minuscule load the electronics represent, even including the load from the internal voltage regulator. I was expecting them…

Insights from the Google Search Console

For now, I have enabled the Google Search Console on this blog, mainly because I do not have a search yet, but I like to reference my previous posts related to the topic at hand. And for now, I have been using Google search to quickly find where I was writing about this or that. …

My blog has a Feed now!

A few days ago, Ru asked me if the RSS on my blog is available. Hint: it wasn't. Go check Ru's work by the way. She is actually investing a lot of thoughts into whatever she's doing, so expect to find something worthwhile around her. But the fact is, this blog's feature list is…

White hat hacker contacted me

Today I was contacted by a person claiming to be a white hat hacker, reporting a vulnerability and hoping for the bounty for his ethical Disclosure. I am not a business owner (at least not yet) to be able to pay a bounty from the revenue and the vulnerability reported looks like …

Status update April 2021

Feeling little overwhelmed lately. There are many projects and activities I have started and none seem to get even near finishing. I have pushed myself to finish the triangles.fun so I have one less thing to worry about, but too many people experienced the top row cutoff. This is…