Tag: nginx
Modern Internet is full of encryption. In many ways, using encryption is
still optional, although non-encrypted communication of any form is getting
rarer every day. There are factors that contribute to this trend. As a
specific example, some top-level domains, like .app or .dev,…
Since Arch, Nginx and Ansible are already all pretty mature tools by
themselves, I though that installing Nginx on Arch system using Ansible
playbook would be a matter of seconds. But judging from an actual
experience, it is a little bit harder.
The official
ansible nginx role do…
Trying to learn Ansible on Arch node I made a decision to purge Nginx
sudo systemctl stop nginx.servie
sudo pacman -Rnc nginx
sudo rm -rf /etc/nginx
Hoping that reinstalling nginx (or maybe nginx-mainline) would restore
all files:
sudo pacman -S nginx
sudo systemc…
When setting up gitea server behind a nginx reverse proxy, you might come
to the problem when pushing files tracked in LFS that presents itself as a
following error:
HTTP/1.1 413 Request Entity Too Large
The error itself does not specifically hint which component might be