Tag: vim

Excluding file name from vim fzf ripgrep

Many times, especially with customizable software stacks, there are aspects or features of the software that we wish they were done differently. Fortunately, when using open-source software, configuring said software to do our bidding could be within a few (hundred) keystrokes. T…

Prettier PHP plugin in vim

After spending a few hours trying to make chained methods in PHP arrange itself below one and each other in a tidy manner, I have finally found a solution. In other words, on a file save I wanted to go from this: $this->user->account->organizations()->saveMany(Organiz…

Vim filter contents replaced with an error

One of the features of vim is it's ability to filter contents of the file through a command and return the output back to the buffer. This could be used for example for fixing the indentation on the file or generally formatting the document. Part of the official documentation for…

Done spell checking on my blog

I have put a considerable effort today to fix a lot of small errors on the blog that accumulated over time, either by the fact that the blog was converted from Sapper to Zola, which naturally processes some slight details of the Markdown differently or due to me mistyping some wo…

Vim increment in git rebase

Accidentally stumbled upon a hidden vim feature. The normal mode key shortcuts responsible for increasing the number, Ctrl+a (increment) and for decreasing the number following the cursor, Ctrl+x (decrement) do something different during the interactive rebase editor. Watch for y…