Tag: vim

Done spell checking on my blog

I have put a considerable effort today to fix a lot of small errors on the blog that accumulated over time, either by the fact that the blog was converted from Sapper to Zola, which naturally processes some slight details of the Markdown differently or due to me mistyping some wo…

Vim increment in git rebase

Accidentally stumbled upon a hidden vim feature. The normal mode key shortcuts responsible for increasing the number, Ctrl+a (increment) and for decreasing the number following the cursor, Ctrl+x (decrement) do something different during the interactive rebase editor. Watch for y…

Repeat find and till in vim

There are two very useful keys for navigation in vim: find and till. I am using both daily and these are one of the keys I have learned somewhere at the very beginning of my vim learning curve. To explain briefly, there is a group of a so called motion keys, performing a cursor m…

Smarter global search for vim and fzf

The first jab I have received yesterday removed most of my productivity today as I was shackled to the bed up until the very evening. Here are two more improvements for my vim fzf series described most recently in the previous post and some other posts mentioned there, tracking m…

Smart global search for vim and fzf

In the previous post I have outlined that there are some benefits to having a fzf command search everywhere in the home folder, instead of just current working directory. Following the setup there enables for yanking and pasting lines from the files stored in distant places (in t…