Tag: webdev

Insights from the Google Search Console

For now, I have enabled the Google Search Console on this blog, mainly because I do not have a search yet, but I like to reference my previous posts related to the topic at hand. And for now, I have been using Google search to quickly find where I was writing about this or that. …

Cheatsheet: acme.sh DNS mode

Here's a compilation of useful commands that use a DNS-01 challenge to issue a certificate using acme.sh client. Issue a certificate using an automatic DNS API mode with GoDaddy: acme.sh --issue --dns gnd_gd --domain example.com Issue a wildcard certificate (denoted by an aste…

VPS opinion: Contabo

Linode was my first choice as a VPS for at least 8 years by now. Back then when I started purchasing virtual server instances there weren't so many choices as there are today. Today, it looks like everyone who does something remotely associated with computers offers Virtual Priva…

Comparing my domain registrars

Over my life as a mostly hobby web developer I had used multiple domain registrars. I did not look at this as a problem. Domains are usually paid once a year and sometimes even less often, and many can be turned on auto renew, so it is mostly set and forget. The problems start to…